samedi 28 mars 2015

Earn Instant $50 and $70 Commissions Direct to You!

Earn Instant $50 and $70 Commissions Direct to You!
 dwonload it from here

 Example Email Ads
Below you will find several emails you can use and or modify to send solo and email ads out as part of an email marketing campaign.  Please don’t forget to replace [Put Your 5DW Referral Link Here] with your actual referral link (or domain if you are using one).
Email 1: Subject:  Earn Instant $5 and $50 Commissions Direct to You!
Fellow Entrepreneur,
This New Program Sends Out Instant $5 and $50 to Your Paypal Account!
Start Making Residual Income with 5DollarWonder (WORLDWIDE) - This has to be one of the easiest ways to get multitudes of $5 recurring payments and numerous $50 payments into your PayPal account!
It's not fancy, it's not complicated... It is very Simple.  This is the best program I have ever seen. Don't miss it!
Your Success is Just a Click Away!
There is much more detail on the homepage...
[Put Your 5DW Referral Link Here]

Best Wishes For Your Success,
[Put Your Name Here]

Email 2: Subject: MAKE EASY MONEY INSTANTLY - 100% Commissions Direct to Your Account!
Want to get paid to copy and paste ads on Facebook or classified websites?   Want to send your ad to 800 targeted opportunity seekers every 2 days FREE and earn 100% commissions? Would you like to earn between $10 and $100+ per day, every day?
Think fully automated mini-site, but with one HUGE difference... you get paid daily and monthy!
Take a look at the benefits...
- FREE setup (your fully automated website is set up and hosted for you) - Instant $5 & $50 payments made direct to your PayPal account - Residual commissions paid to your PayPal account every single month - Pre-written ads for Copy & Paste simplicity - FREE digital product downloads (all the tools you need to succeed) - Full resale rights on digital products (your site includes a digital product sales page) - Banner ad revenue (you get paid to host banners)
... and much more!
Everyone is looking for a way to make extra money online, but the fact is online income opportunities today have become a maze of failing HYIP and MLM programs or expensive passive opportunities, where you are at the mercy of the administrator or even the payment processors.
With this business there are no such problems.  You get paid directly for every customer who purchase a digital product from your automated website or every member who joins through you.  And we only use PayPal as the worlds largest, most trusted payment processor.
But... The best part is the price.  It only costs $5 per month, which covers your website hosting and any webspace/bandwith increases.
Remember you get paid 100% commissions - All revenue generated through your automated website (that we set up for you) goes direct to your PayPal account.     
It's as simple as, Copy, Paste, Post and You Get Paid!
[Put Your 5DW Referral Link Here]

To Your Success,
[Put Your Name Here]

Email 3: Subject:  Making Money Online Doesn’t Get Easier Than This!
Hello and Welcome to 5DollarWonder
You are absolutely going to love this!
Seriously, making money online doesn't get any easier than this...
Whether you are an absolute beginner, have tried and failed or are just looking for somewhere to start, this is without a doubt the perfect opportunity for you.
You probably won't find a cheaper or more simple to operate income opportunity on the Net.  You literally have nothing to do except copy, paste and post pre-written ads/emails in the locations you are given in the members area.
With 5DollarWonder, making money online becomes like child's play!
How it works...
You get a 100% done for you automated website that sells, 5DollarWonder memberships, Internet marketing digital products and onsite advertising space 24 hours a day.
Any sales your automated website makes get paid instantly and directly to your PayPal account.  You can earn anything from $5 or $50 one-time instant payments to $5 weekly & monthly recurring payments... and again, these are paid direct to your PayPal account.
It's fun, it's affordable, is 100% risk FREE and it pays you instantly and directly every single day.  
What More Could You Ask for?
Get Started Earning 100% Commissions Now!
[Put Your 5DW Referral Link Here]

To Your Success,
[Put Your Name Here]
Email 4: Subject:  Getting Paid 100% Commissions is as Easy as 123!
Dear Entrepreneur,
I have something you really should take a look at!
It's such a simple concept that it will take you only a few minutes to realise just how easily you can make money with it.
And the beauty of it is, you really don't need any experience.  
You've already got a computer, you're already connected to the Internet, you can follow simple instructions and you know how to copy & paste - that's literally all it takes make very good money with this opportunity.  
Everything you need is already done for you; From the automated website, the pre-written ads, the marketing guides and directories to the FREE digital product downloads which are designed to help you succeed in making more sales from your 5DollarWonder online business.
So, how does it stack up?
Well, most opportunities today, as good as they seem, use complex scripts, have over-complicated compensation plans, follow a very destructive PONZI model or require huge risky investments in order for you to succeed.  Several very popular high return and revenue share opportunities have recently been responsible for massive financial losses - something the average Internet marketer or newbie cannot afford!
5DollarWonder has none of those issues to contend with.  There are no greedy administrators and no unreliable payment processors - essentially there are no risks.  It's affordable to everyone and pays instantly and directly to your PayPal account, which gives it massive appeal.
5DollarWonder makes it easy for you to write your own success story.  The question is, how big do you want your story to be?
“The power to change your life lies in the simplest of steps.”
You are one click away from taking the first...
[Put Your 5DW Referral Link Here]

To Your Success,
[Put Your Name Here]

Email 5: Subject: You have a new automatic payment profile...
"You received a payment"
You will absolutely love seeing emails in your inbox with that subject.
Can you imagine receiving 5, 10 or even 20 of those a day?
Those payments you saw on the website are the result of simple copy, paste and post actions on a daily basis.
Remember 5DollarWonder is a very simple business.  To make it work for you is just a case of duplication and repetition.  And... you know it does work, you've seen that for yourself. It truly is a numbers game!       
You can do as little or as much as you want, but the bottom line is, the more ads you copy and paste, the more sales your automated website makes and the greater your monthly residual income grows.
Just 2 sales a day will make you $300 per month.  Would $300 a month be useful to you?  Of course it would and 2 daily sales is easy to achieve, perhaps with just 15 minutes effort per day.
What if you spent one hour per day and achieved 8 daily sales?  Then you're looking at $1200 in monthly residual income.  And you know what "residual" means... you never have to earn that money again - it just keeps coming month after month!
So... how much do you want to earn?
I Think You'll Find Your Answer Here...
[Put Your 5DW Referral Link Here]

Your Success Starts Here,
[Put Your Name Here]

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